Home Company Blog
What Happens If Nobody Makes an Offer?
By: Khalid Sarwari
September 29, 2022

When your property has been listed for months with little to no interest from buyers, it can be disheartening and easy to take personally. It’s frustrating and feels like it’s out of your control – but it doesn’t have to be.

Sometimes we need to take a step back, breathe, and look at the situation from another perspective. Try pretending to be a buyer who is interested in your property and imagine how things look from their view. In doing so, you’ll notice your listing may be lacking in some areas.

Here are 4 things you can do with the help of your real estate agent to make your listing appear more desirable.

1. Reassess your marketing

Take an objective look at your marketing and try to see it from the perspective of a buyer. Does your property seem appealing? Are the online photos flattering? These things are important as they are giving potential buyers a first impression of your home – and you want it to be a good one!

Check for background clutter in your living room photos, or baby pictures hung on the wall in the hallway. Ideally, you want your home to appear as tidy as possible and so anyone can imagine themselves living there.

2. Rethink your asking price

Nobody likes lowering their asking prices. Not you or your real estate agent. However, sometimes it must be done.

Take a look at similar properties for sale in your area and see how much they’re asking for. Are their prices similar to yours, or does your home seem overly expensive in comparison? Sometimes listing prices must be dropped due to market conditions and it’s always best to seek advice from your real estate agent.

3. Be open to advice and suggestions

You’ve made memories in your home, so it is understandable if you feel defensive at times. However when selling your home it is important to remain as unbiased as possible. You may not like what your real estate agent has to say about buyer feedback or inspection enquiries; but having a clear understanding works wonders.

What’s even more beneficial to you is taking ideas on board and being open to suggestions from your real estate agent. If they tell you that buyers aren’t pleased with the cracked window in your lounge room, consider repairing it.

It is important that prospective buyers see a home of potential, not a home full of repair costs.

4. Consider a new agent

Is your agent experienced and reputable, with a long list of successful sales under their belt? If not, perhaps it’s time to move on. A real estate agent with experience has contacts and connections, and they can ensure your property is presented to the right demographic of buyers. Sometimes certain agents simply have better-suited connections for you and can sell your property in the blink of an eye.

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Khalid Sarwari
Khalid Sarwari brings a much sought-after highly ethical and determined approach to his clients real estate needs. His diverse...
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