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Navigating the World of Renting with Pets
By: Khalid Sarwari
September 13, 2024

Renting with pets can often feel like navigating a maze. With varying rules and regulations across different properties and regions, it’s crucial for both tenants and landlords to understand their rights and responsibilities. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what you need to know about having pets in rental properties, focusing on the latest guidelines and best practices.

Understanding the Regulations

In Victoria, the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 governs the relationship between rental providers, and renters, including issues related to pets. As of March 2020, significant changes were made to the laws concerning pets in rental properties. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

Pet Applications and Approvals  

  • Renter's Right to Request: Tenants have the right to request to keep a pet in their rental property. Landlords cannot unreasonably refuse this request. The request should be in writing and provide details about the pet.   
  • Rental Providers's Response: Landlords have 14 days to respond to the pet request. If they refuse, they must provide a valid reason, which should be related to concerns about damage or interference with other tenants' enjoyment of the property.

Conditions for Pet Approval  

  • Pet Bond: Rental Providers cannot ask for an additional pet bond. The bond for the rental property remains the same regardless of whether you have pets.   
  • Conditions in the Lease: If the Rental Provider agrees to the pet request, they might include certain conditions in the lease to protect their property. This could include requirements for professional cleaning or restrictions on the type or number of pets.

Maintenance and Repairs  

  • Renters's Responsibility: Renters are responsible for ensuring their pets do not cause damage to the property. This includes cleaning up after them and addressing any issues that arise due to the pet.   
  • Rental Provider's Responsibility: Rental providers must maintain the property in good repair and ensure it meets safety standards, even with pets present.

Tips for Renters with Pets

Communicate Clearly  

  • Initial Request: When applying to rent a property, clearly state your intention to have a pet and provide any relevant information that might alleviate concerns.   
  • Ongoing Communication: Keep open lines of communication with your landlord. Notify them immediately if any issues arise related to your pet.

Document Everything  

  • Pet Agreement: Ensure that any agreement or conditions related to having a pet are documented in your lease. This will help avoid misunderstandings later on.   
  • Condition Reports: Take photos or videos of the property’s condition when you move in and out. This can serve as evidence if disputes arise regarding damages.

Respect the Property  

  • Regular Cleaning: Regularly clean the property and your pet’s living area to prevent any damage or odors.   
  • Pet Training: Ensure your pet is well-trained to minimize potential issues with noise or behavior that could affect neighbors.

Tips for Rental Providers

Fair Evaluation  

  • Consider the Pet’s Impact: Evaluate pet requests based on how they might affect the property and other tenants, rather than a blanket refusal.   
  • Use Clear Criteria: Set clear, reasonable criteria for pet approval, such as size restrictions or requirements for pet insurance.

Update Lease Agreements  

  • Pet Policies: Include specific pet policies in the lease agreement to manage expectations and responsibilities. This might include clauses about cleaning and maintenance.   
  • Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections to ensure that pets are not causing damage and that the property is being maintained properly.

Insurance and Liability  

  • Consider Pet Insurance: To protect yourself from potential liabilities, consider whether pet insurance might be a useful option for both you and your renters.

Having pets in rental properties can be a harmonious arrangement when both parties understand and adhere to their responsibilities. By following the updated regulations and best practices, both parties can ensure a smooth rental experience while accommodating the joys of pet ownership. Whether you're a renter looking to keep your furry friend or a rental provider considering a pet-friendly policy, clear communication and mutual respect are key to a successful rental arrangement.

For more detailed information on pets in rental properties, you can refer to the guidelines provided by Consumer Affairs Victoria.

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Written by
Khalid Sarwari
Khalid Sarwari brings a much sought-after highly ethical and determined approach to his clients real estate needs. His diverse...
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